mysteries and motorcycles
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
On a mission
On Thursday Jan. 31 I'll be shoving off for the Windy City and the
"Love is Murder," mystery writer's conference. It's about a 6-1/2 hour drive from my house and the weather is always a concern at this time of year. I'm going with some specific objectives in mind.
I have appointments scheduled with two publishers and two literary agencies who will be taking pitches at the conference. The first challenge is that I will have somewhere around five minutes with each representative to convince them that my manuscript is worthy of their consideration. While I'm there I'll be participating in three discussion panels and displaying a large poster in the book vendor section to show the agents/editors that I'm serious about my writing and eager to promote my work.
If any of the agents or editors invite me to submit my story, I'll mail it to them and then bite my nails for up to six months waiting for the verdict.
Conferences are unquestionably the best places to break the ice with agents, after all they're there to find new talent. Established literary agents are the key to major publishing houses, as a matter of fact agents are the
only avenue to New York.
My current publisher is a small company in California and while they're quite aggressive and seem to do most things right, they're up against the machine that runs the industry. The major booksellers like Borders and B&N are pretty much locked in to the major New York publishers.
Wish me luck.
Posted by The Unreal McCoy ::
10:59 AM ::
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Friday, January 18, 2008
Huron Daily Tribune
On Friday January 18, the Huron Daily Tribune published a really nice feature about my writing and a little about my personal life. This article was really put together in a hurry because the interview had taken place only one day earlier.
Tribune staff writer Kate Hessling was kind and complimentary in the article and seemed genuinely interested in the entire picture. She even requested photos of all of my hobbies and included several of them in the article. They gave me at least 3/4 of the page. Wow!
I'm not sure what the circulation of the newspaper is but Huron County has somewhere around 35,000 residents. Surrounded on three sides by the waters of Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron, the county is a blend of agricultural and resort neighborhoods with a little industry sprinkled here and there. It's also my home.
Posted by The Unreal McCoy ::
3:17 PM ::
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Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Love is Murder
I will be spending the first weekend in February (Superbowl weekend, Grrrrr.) at the Love is Murder mystery writer's conference in Chicago.
This is one conference that has really learned how to effectively mix pleasure with business. The discussion panels address serious issues while the evenings offer banquets and things like Scotch tasting.
I'll be taking part in three panels, one of which I will be moderating.
The affair will be held at the Wyndham O'Hare and their website has all the details.
Posted by The Unreal McCoy ::
8:55 AM ::
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