mysteries and motorcycles
Friday, January 18, 2008
Huron Daily Tribune
On Friday January 18, the Huron Daily Tribune published a really nice feature about my writing and a little about my personal life. This article was really put together in a hurry because the interview had taken place only one day earlier.
Tribune staff writer Kate Hessling was kind and complimentary in the article and seemed genuinely interested in the entire picture. She even requested photos of all of my hobbies and included several of them in the article. They gave me at least 3/4 of the page. Wow!
I'm not sure what the circulation of the newspaper is but Huron County has somewhere around 35,000 residents. Surrounded on three sides by the waters of Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron, the county is a blend of agricultural and resort neighborhoods with a little industry sprinkled here and there. It's also my home.
Posted by The Unreal McCoy ::
3:17 PM ::
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