mysteries and motorcycles

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Writing workshop

Beginning this Thursday, I will be conducting a three day class at Saginaw Valley State University's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the Caro, Michigan Campus. The idea is to make interested seniors aware of the many opportunities available for them to have their stories published.

I'm sure that there will be a number of people there who would just like to publish an official "Family History" for their descendants and I'm equally sure that there may be some who just have a story to tell. There may even be an old world war two veteran who spent time in a POW camp and wants the world to hear about it.

But the point is that they all have something they'd like to say; something that is important to them and may possibly have meaning for others. I consider this a wonderful opportunity to help someone fulfill a lifelong dream.

When I first accepted the offer I was concerned about finding enough material to fill three, two hour sessions but after a couple of months of putting ideas together I find myself having to trim a tidbit here and there, deciding what to keep in the class and what I won't be able to include.

This is my first chance to actually help others like this and I'm really looking forward to it.

Posted by The Unreal McCoy :: 6:44 PM :: 0 Comments:

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